Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
07.23.2007 * 4:35 p.m.
"You're all I need, and maybe some faith would do me good..."
If you are the type that would laugh at me if I told you that Diaryland feels like home, you can start laughing now. I love this blue-screened corner of the internet that has housed my thoughts and been a source of communication with friends for the past six years. It's familiar. Keeping in touch with my dearest friends, even catching a glimpse of a life I've never known in person, is magical. I love what technology allows us to achieve these days.
Last week I went to the beach with my dad. He's recently started up his own photography business (check out the link to your left) and wanted to use me as a sort of model. Dad does stock photography, not portraits, so he wasn't really taking pictures of me, he was taking pictures of beautiful scenery that just happened to have me in them as well.
All I know is that I felt kind of silly with him taking pictures of me while the wind whipped my hair into a frenzy and I wasn't even allowed to look at the camera. It made me miss Jamie, and our photoshoots where she told me what to do, where to stand, how to look. It made me miss the beaches of Santa Barbara, where the waves this time of year are just a bit warmer, where walking in the sand leaves prints of tar on your feet. Overall, I had a lot of fun, as I usually do when it's just Dad and me. I don't know why we can't get along so well the rest of the time.
(I read the final Harry Potter book and am happily satisfied.)