Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
08.01.2007 * 11:18 p.m.
And suddenly...
The lame, boring, not-so-good day turned out to be a pretty good day after all.
I'm engaged to be married.
Happy, warm and fuzzy weirdness.
08.01.2007 * 1:02 p.m.
If he saw me now he would be disappointed.
This is one of those days when I sit around and do absolutely nothing productive and end up feeling pathetic and dreamy.
Construction at the school is not completed, so I cannot get my keys and start setting up my classroom. I also don't have any textbooks or teacher's manuals for our curriculum, so I don't exactly know how to be planning for the next few weeks, let alone the entire school year. Self-doubt is making it difficult for me to make other plans regarding lessons and activities, because I'm really not familiar with 2nd grade activities and 2nd graders' capabilities. (Don't feel sorry for me, I'm just being a sissy.)
Instead of attempting to do work, I'm sitting at my computer playing around. I read through some old saved conversations that made me extremely nostalgic and brought up past feelings that conflict with present feelings. Now I am left feeling confused and dizzy, wondering if I am being idiotic or brave in my current situation. (A girl's heart is a strange, silly little thing.)
I haven't even eaten yet today. That is not like me, but I'm so strangely unmotivated that I don't really care.
I think that if I accomplish anything today it will be to go to the mall and get a pair of free underwear from Victoria's Secret, because I can't pass up their free underwear.