Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
11.20.2007 * 4:30 p.m.
I am officially on vacation for 5 whole days. Thank goodness for Thanksgiving!
My wedding dress came in last week. Of course, the dress that was shipped is actually two sizes bigger than the dress that was ordered and nobody was informed until the package was open. I could have cried and exploded all at once when I tried it on, but I maintained a cool, calm kind of angry. I think the seamstress will be able to make it work just fine, and the shop keeper agreed to pay for the alterations, so it's going to work out just fine. If something should go incredibly wrong, you will hear about it the first week of January.
In work news, I got a new student on Monday. I knew he would be joining our class because the principal and his mom gave me a heads-up on the whole situation. He's a cute kid, and fairly intelligent, he just happens to be the poster child for a kid with ADHD. Things are working out alright so far, we'll just have to see how the rest of the year goes.
I'm going to go do something else now. I have lots of lists with lots of items on them. Crossing things off of my lists is probably one of the most satifying things I do these days. (I'm sick, I know.)
And in case I'm not back before then: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!
11.14.2007 * 9:23 p.m.
I have 3 seconds until I fall asleep.
Hip hip hooray!
A massive quantity of addresses have been acquired, many envelopes have been addressed, and soon, a great number of wedding invitations will be put in the mail. I may have had Monday off of work, but I was extremely busy and came away with a wonderful feeling of accomplishment. Yay! Only about 12 weeks until we get married!
I doubt that my brother is taking his meds. Mom, as always, is in denial. Fine, fine, he very well could be taking his meds and just need an adjustment of the dosage, but she could at least consider the possibility that he may not be on anything at all. I love the woman, and I can't really blame her, but how many times do we have to go over this? 6 days until his next doctor appointment!
Parent-teacher conferences are over and I have survived! I also managed to get them all done so as to have Thursday and Friday afternoons free! Yay! Plus there are only 1 full day and 3 short days of school before Turkey Day Break! I may have one more parent meeting this week, but it will be a "I need to learn more about your kid with special needs" kind of meeting. I'm kind of looking forward to the adventure of it all.
In completely different news, I have 44 days until I go through the temple.
Countdowns are so much fun!