Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
01.02.2008 * 3:01 p.m.
2008. Wowzas!
Happy New Year indeed!
Life has been good to me. I can't remember all of the events that took place in 2007, but here are some things I actually do recall:
-February- I got hired as a 3rd grade teacher, my first job in my profession!
-April- For the first time in my life I administered a state standardized test instead of taking one. Also, we purchased the engagement ring.
-August- Began with a bang, we got engaged on the 1st.
-September- Teaching 2nd grade got off to a good start, plus I got to see old friends, a happy wedding, and cute babies.
-November- I turned 25, my Barry got his Patriarchal Blessing, and we ate turkey with his family.
-December- I went through the temple for my own endowment, Barry went to the temple for the first time EVER and did baptisms. We put our first 2 offers on houses.
Overall, I'm thinking 2007 was a good growing year for me and for my relationship with my boy. Things have been up and down, but the year ended beautifully.
So here we are in 2008 and I've got a couple of things to look forward to this year. We're getting married in 38 days and starting our new life together. Hopefully we will own our first home in a month or two, which will be exciting and wonderful.
I really haven't thought ahead much beyond that, but I know that this year will hold further developments for Barry and myself, both as a couple and individually. Faith is a big part of it, but things are off to a really good start.
12.26.2007 * 8:10 a.m.
It's almost a new year?!?!
Merry Day After Christmas!!!!
I hope all of your holidays were joyous.
I've been a student for the majority of my life and have become quite accustomed to days off at certain times of the year. Thankfully, I am a teacher and still get those same vacations. I'm enjoying these days to sleep in and relax.
The past few days have been incredible. Saturday was a long day, but it was a beautiful and powerful experience. I can't wait to go back to the temple.
Sunday was just a Sunday, but Barry surprised me with some wonderful, exciting news and a little piece of paper signed by the bishop. We also enjoyed some much-needed quality friend time that evening.
Monday, Christmas Eve, we visited his friends and family in San Jose to spread Christmas Cheer and collect gifts. That was actually a lot of fun.
For Christmas we just hung out at my house and were lazy with my family. That's usually how Christmas goes around here. Busy in the morning with gifts and holiday music, then a big meal in the early afternoon, then a whole lot of just sitting around. Good times.
Today we're down to 45 days until the wedding. Barry asked me yesterday if I was getting excited. Of course I'm excited, but it feels so surreal that I guess the whole thing hasn't really hit me yet. I'm guessing that in a month I'll be freaking out. We'll see...
I get my first ever professional massage today. Now that I am excited about!