Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
01.08.2008 * 7:50 p.m.
back to school
Bridal Shower the First was a smashingly wonderful time. The highlight was the edible lingerie from Tanya. It was quite the laugh, and if I can't manage to return it, those little sweeties will be quite the laugh at the next bridal shower I attend. Yes, I dare to regift. Who wouldn't want to share those babies?
Bridal Shower the Second will be taking place this weekend, and I'm thinking that it will be a little less wild, as it is with coworkers, but we shall see.
Being back in school after two weeks of vacation is interesting. The most difficult part is getting out of bed when my alarm goes off at 5:30 A.M. The kids aren't too bad. Well, most of them aren't too bad.
Only 32 (YIKES!) days until I am a married woman. House hunting is going to give me gray hair.