Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
2008-02-12 * 14:18
married woman
I am officially married.
The wedding was Saturday, the place looked amazingly beautiful, my honey looked handsome. The most incredible part of it all was having so many people who I love dearly in one room. I wish I could have sat around and talked with them all more, but the day was so busy, just one high speed blur of color and emotion. I am a little disappointed that the ceremony was so short. The man marrying us took less time to speak and have us exchange vows than it took for the wedding party and myself to walk down the aisle. Oh well. The whole thing was surreal. I was all smiles and laughter, while Barry was emotional with misty eyes. Who can blame him? I am quite the lady.
I have returned to routine after only a few short days. Very little has changed except that all of my clothes are in a new place, I sleep in a different bed, and there is a man instead of two cats trying to snuggle with me at night. My students were naughty while I was away, so I've been strict and no fun today. Maybe they'll figure it out.
This is surreal. On Saturday I kept asking Barry, "Are we really married?" Yup. We're married. Wowza.
02.04.2008 * 5:23 p.m.
The bank said, "No."
I'm sure we'll end up with a place of our own to live soon. Barry just needs to accept the fact that we may need to move into a town house. Or I may have to face the fact that we need to move into a piece of crap house.
02.03.2008 * 8:58 a.m.
Last Single Sunday.
I am ridiculously joyful. This is the way life is supposed to be!
One of my dearest childhood friends found me on the internet. I was just thinking of her, wondering how she is doing, hoping I could get in touch with her... and then she found me. Beautiful.
In six days I will join my life with my best friend. I couldn't be more excited. Of course I'm still a little nervous, a little stressed about the big day and the small details going smoothly, but it is only one day. The rest of my life is what really matters.
I am currently experiencing a really unexpected, terribly uncomfortable, slightly embarrassing health issue. Why do these types of things happen at the worst possible times?
Happy Sunday...