Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
06.24.2008 * 10:02 p.m.
link to pics
It is absolutely past my bedtime, but, if you're interested in seeing wedding pictures you should go here:
06.13.2008 * 4:26 p.m.
As my entry two weeks ago so elequantly stated, we signed the paperwork for the house. The following Friday we started moving and spent our first night here. Today, a week later, we got internet access, so I'm back online!
Everything is going really well. School ended last week. I made it through my first full year as a teacher without dying or exploding, so I'm going to consider it a success. Hoorah! The next bunch of kids start with me mid-August, so I've got some time to just enjoy life. I'm working some at the vet's office, just covering for people who are sick or on vacation. It works out well for me.
Today's excitement consisted of getting my cable internet all hooked up, enjoying lunch with teacher friends, going to the social security office for name changing purposes, and then doing the same at the dmv. Two government agencies in one day, that's got to be some kind of record! Now I'm armed with legal proof of my new name, and when I sign things I have to be careful as to which name I use. I'm sort of having an identity crisis. It will be nice in a few years when I'm so used to my new name that I don't get confused anymore. Assuming that happens, of course.
Oh! I heard the motorcycle, that means it's time to go to the bank with the hubby and do some account combining!
Married life is special.
06.01.2008 * 9:24 a.m.
Wow, it's already June!
We signed! We signed we signed we signed we signed!
That was Friday night. Hopefully everything goes smoothly with the documents Monday morning. We could officially be homeowners by Wednesday this week.
(Keep your fingers crossed!)
In other news, I attended a baptism yesterday. First one I've been to in quite a while. It was wonderful. I think I've sort of been blocking out the spirit with all of my craziness and busy stress. I couldn't block it out yesterday, not with all of those people I love surrounding me. Good times.
I feel happy.