Check Up On All The Old Entries You Missed!!!
11.18.2010 - No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
07.18.2009 - is this goodbye? only sort of.
06.04.2009 - isolated T-Storms
04.07.2009 - -
03.07.2009 - AND I baked cookies this week!
02.19.2009 - Reduction In Force.
02.11.2009 - the fireplace is crackling
01.30.2009 - . . . . .
12.22.2008 - How do the little piggies eat, Randy?
12.07.2008 - Brit,
11.23.2008 - i'd rather
11.17.2008 - um...
11.05.2008 - George Allen
10.14.2008 - Boo
09.20.2008 - finished off my Fredricks gift card (Thanks Brit) finally.
09.01.2008 - short hair (again)
08.01.2008 - seriously lazy
07.22.2008 - Captain.
07.06.2008 - decidedly awkward.
06.24.2008 - link to pics
06.13.2008 - WELCOME HOME!
06.01.2008 - Wow, it's already June!
05.25.2008 - 9 days left of school
05.09.2008 - kids make me sleepy.
05.05.2008 - burning legs.
04.24.2008 - scratch
04.19.2008 - I did traffic school online all morning.
04.07.2008 - busy.
03.30.2008 - Bye Grandpa
03.28.2008 - Everything rolled into one.
03.23.2008 - metallic blue toe nails
03.18.2008 - my throat was all itchy today!
03.11.2008 - moments.
2008-03-04 - my life is a trip
03.02.2008 - still homeless
02.24.2008 - Sunday...
2008-02-12 - married woman
02.04.2008 - fine.
02.03.2008 - Last Single Sunday.
01.27.2008 - on to the other side
01.27.2008 - "woc yloh" spells "holy cow!" backwards
01.21.2008 - Cinderella Complex my tookus.
01.17.2008 - Overwhelmed!
01.12.2008 - MY pretty white dress
01.08.2008 - back to school
01.02.2008 - 2008. Wowzas!
12.26.2007 - It's almost a new year?!?!
12.18.2007 - first flip-out, house-hunt, and gym.
2007-12-13 - WOOOOOT!
2007-12-05 - joy
12.04.2007 - 3 hours until the meeting with the stake president
11.25.2007 - times, they are a changin'
11.20.2007 - yesssss!
11.14.2007 - I have 3 seconds until I fall asleep.
11.11.2007 - my aching guts
2007-11-05 - Re: Life moves quickly
11.03.2007 - "reads aloud fluently"
10.29.2007 - High-speed list.
10.20.2007 - Lucky.
10.16.2007 - less than a month til my birthday.
10.06.2007 - I'm babysitting Dex.
10.01.2007 - One heck of a weekend.
2007-09-27 - rolling out the sod
09.24.2007 - A real update.
09.23.2007 - yuppers.
09.12.2007 - dirt in my eyes.
09.09.2007 - save the cheerleader...
09.01.2007 - Week one was fun.
08.23.2007 - set up
08.13.2007 - I've got some free time.
08.10.2007 - 3 months until I'm 25.
08.07.2007 - one week until school starts.
08.01.2007 - And suddenly...
08.01.2007 - If he saw me now he would be disappointed.
07.30.2007 - 16 days until school starts.
07.23.2007 - "You're all I need, and maybe some faith would do me good..."
07.16.2007 - A stranger called me "sweetheart"
07.09.2007 - The past, present, and future.
07.01.2007 - A peaceful calm.
06.25.2007 - So many houses for sale.
06.24.2007 - I even pooped outside.
06.14.2007 - Sunshine.
06.11.2007 - Long hours in the car to lovely places.
06.07.2007 - I do love him, don't get me wrong.
06.04.2007 - Where have I been?