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Guestbook * Notes

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The Past Five:

No more monkeys jumping on the bed...

is this goodbye? only sort of.

isolated T-Storms


AND I baked cookies this week!

my profile.

06.05.2006 * 11:04 a.m.
fog, sun, ocean, love.

This weekend was good to me.
The fog was thick and wet enough at just the right times to keep me cool. The sun was hot and strong enough to kiss my freckled skin and warm my hair. The ocean was incredible.

The Pacific is properly named; it pacifies me like nothing else I know.
I first realized its power nearly five years ago as a freshman in college. I was stressed, homesick, lonely, and the discomfort seeped into my soul one evening. I needed the anxiety to go away. Thankfully, I lived only a two-minute walk from the bluffs overlooking the ocean, so I found myself there.
It was a clear night with a full moon that cast a dazzling line of reflected light upon the glass surface of the water. Standing there, breathing in the scent of the beach, feeling the night breeze on my face, and watching the moonlight play upon the surface of the ocean, soothed me. I sensed the power of something so much larger than me and suddenly everything was in the proper perspective. Life was more than okay.

The same peace came over me Saturday evening, watching an orange sun set over a brilliant blue ocean. This time I sat, leaning back against the strong body of a man who I know will support me in every right choice I make, and I felt calm. There was no rush, no concept of time or deadlines, no thought of Monday or concern for the future. All that existed was that moment, the cold wind, the beautiful scenery, and the song of the ocean. Life was more than okay.

I also got to see the Pacific from a new perspective this weekend. With a mask and a snorkel, I explored the sights that hide beneath the surface. I hadn't smiled that wide since snow fell on my hair in the mountains this winter.
There is a beauty and power found only in nature that fills me with a positive energy that I have a hard time putting into words. If you see the smile on my face when I feel it, you'll understand.

And just for fun, this quiz informs me that I am rain. I'm okay with that...

You Are Rain

You can be warm and sexy. Or cold and unwelcoming.
Either way, you slowly bring out the beauty around you.
You are best known for: Your Touch.
Your dominant state: Changing

What Type of Weather Are You?