Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
12.18.2007 * 6:26 p.m.
first flip-out, house-hunt, and gym.
Wow. Life sure is something.
The past few days have held a lot of new experiences.
Friday night I went to a Christmas party and nearly got my principal lost on the way home. That could have been awkward.
That night Barry and I went to see "I Am Legend." It nearly gave me an anxiety attack and I had to leave early and wait in the car for everyone else while they finished the movie. No movie has ever gotten that kind of response out of me before. I felt a little bit ridiculous to have reacted as I did, but it was too suspenseful with that jumpy/startling kind of spookiness for me to handle. Odd.
Saturday was EXCITING! Barry and I got together with a realtor and looked at houses. We found several that we could live in, but one that we really like. We put an offer on it and are now waiting the approximate 20 days that it will take for the bank to inform us whether or not they will accept our offer. If you are the praying type, please pray for us. If you aren't into praying, cross your fingers or something! It would be so incredible if we could buy a home, especially this one. I'll let you know what happens as I find out.
Today's exciting first... are you ready? You'll be so proud... I actually exercised at a gym! It's a nice place, I went with a friend from work, and we worked out together. I feel healthier already. (Not really.) It's funny, I would say that I am a confident person and overall very satisfied with my physical appearance. However, in a gym with a bunch of people who actually are toned (or at least have muscle mass of some kind) makes me painfully aware of how ridiculously scrawny and weak I look. Really. You know those stick figures you used to draw in first grade? If one of those came to life it would look a lot like me. I'm hoping this new exercise idea will help me out with this.
Okay, I need to go, but if you haven't RSVPed to my wedding, you should do that.
(4 days until the temple. 53 days until the wedding.)