Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
03.16.2005 * 7:11 p.m.
Just keep swimming.
No one wants to read a "blah blah this is what I did today blah blah" journal entry, but that's pretty much what you'll find below. I appologize.
I woke up at 5:30am, I took at final at 8am. I sat in the sun looking at the ocean, leaning on my favorite boy, really not wanting to go home, but home I went. I studied with the other scantily clad folks by the pool and absorbed enough UV to make my skin feel toasty but not get noticably darker. What can I say, I'm a pasty, pale little beast. I got the strangest My Little Pony Easter Basket from Mom. I'm a huge fan of jelly beans and Cadbury Eggs and, thanks to her thoughtfulness, now have some of my very own. I took Ian to a doctor's appointment, bought film so I can take some real pictures (and then I can put you up on my wall, so you'll stop complaining), and talked to my good friend Hea on the phone. Oh I do so love and miss that girl. I came home and took a nap, probably could have slept forever, but I woke up because I figured it was the right thing to do. Good thing I did, because I got to eat excellent tacos (Good Job Lib! Those were delicious!) and chat with missionaries. I'm glad my roomie signed up to feed them tonight, otherwise I don't know what I would have eaten for dinner. I'm in that finals week very-low-on-food routine that I so commonly get stuck in this time every quarter. Hmmm, maybe I should go to the grocery store?
Now I'm here, sitting in my little corner, wishing that I could magically eliminate stress-causing elements of existence with my will power alone. Sadly, I don't think this is going to get me anywhere. So instead of wishful thinking, I will study for the Buddhism final that I have to take tomorrow. Ah... the last final of this quarter. In approximately 18 hours I'll enter the jubilant land of Spring Break. Too bad the worries are there too. Oh well, I'm a high-strung, Type-A kind of kid, so the stress is something I bring with me where ever I go. It's inescapable but that's alright. I've grown used to it, and somehow, I have low blood pressure.