Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
03.21.2005 * 9:27 p.m.
a straight stretch of road is the best.
Life has been busy but good. Saturday was an all day wedding extravagaza, complete with its moments of stress and mishaps, but over all an extremely wonderful day. Rileigh was radiant. Ben was beaming. They both looked so good, so happy... so right together. I had a lot of fun and was glad (and quite honored) to be able to be a part of that amazing day. I definitely enjoyed playing with the little ones and dancing in the nursery room to "She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain" and "Old MacDonald Had A Farm." Good times...
Sunday was a little hectic as well, seeing as how I attended two sacrament meetings, taught a Sunday school class, attened a meeting, helped teach a lesson to a new member of the church, tried to better myself, assisted in the accidental breaking of a fish bowl, drove my boy downtown last minute, and finally had the chance to breathe in the evening. It was a very good day.
Today, instead of driving up 101 the whole way, we had a bit of a scenic Chaney-style detour that took us to the Pinnicles (and naturally, on a walk/hike -in flipflops!- up the mountain) and through Hollister. It was loads of fun. I adore that Spaniard and always have a wonderful time when we're together. I'm extremely happy.
Now, here I am in my homey home of L-more, enjoying the company of my wacky parents, my incredible brother, my hyper dog and my beloved cats. The next few days should be good. Hopefully I can enjoy the laid back time here with no worries. Life is smooth and cool, like the color Blue.