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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
07.04.2005 * 10:37 p.m.
my face is toasty.
Last night I cut the tip of my left pointer finger because I am dangerous around sharp knives. I'm left handed, so I damaged my most frequently used digit. Oops. Typing feels funny.
In celebration of the Fourth of July I attened two barbecues and thereby obtained two free meals today. Glorious. The first was held at Goleta Beach. The day started off gloomy and foggy so I didn't wear sunscreen. However, the sun broke through from time to time and after spending the entire afternoon at the beach my cheeks and nose are hot pink and my lips feel dry and stretched. I'm a fool. At least the rest of me stayed burn free. I like that beach. I like walking in the sand and on the bluffs from the campus. Lots of good memories.
The second barbecue was at the Wright's house (I love that family!) and then too many people hung out in the backyard and watched the fireworks. That was enjoyable and we were close enough to hear the booms, which is the most important part, so I am happy. However, firework shows are not as exciting as I remember them being when I was a little kid. Similar to how Christmas becomes less magical when you realize that Santa's handwriting is identical to that of your mother.
On another note, My roommate is home! My roommate is home! I ran up to her yelling "I've missed you!" and hugged her and picked her up when I saw her. I also group-hugged her and Jay in order to deliver a hug from my Spaniard. (They love him and miss him too.) Ah my beloved Tanya. I get her for a whole two days before she leaves me again.
And one more time, just for good measure: Happy 23rd Birthday Ian!!!! :)