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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
07.25.2005 * 10:01 a.m.
monday morning.
My last Sunday in the El Camino Ward was good. Sacrament meeting was interesting but the talks were wonderful. During Sunday school I sat by a young man who is being taught by the missionaries and is so excited over the gospel. How refreshing. I sat by my Jamie and ladies in RS, experienced an excellent lesson, commented and made myself cry. ooops. So many firm hugs from so many dear people. I feel loved.
After church my mom was here and I commenced acting like a brat. It's okay that I'm leaving, but the fact that I'm moving home leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. It's my own fault though, so I better get over this pride.
A drive up a mountain road, showing my mom the view, made me feel better. Afterwards, a group of friends took a long walk on the beach. I spent a lot of it talking to the two annoying guys so that they wouldn't pester everyone else. I don't know if I'm just more patient than everyone else or what, but I didn't mind so much. A bunch of people returned to my house, we sat around and talked, like we do. I was online talking to Ian when much to my joy and excitement someone special showed up on my buddy list. Yay! I now have several amazing pictures of wildlife from South Africa on my computer. That makes me happy. I also have a picture of a family with a really good looking son at the Cape of Good Hope. That also makes me happy. I went to sleep happy last night.
Then comes the morning. I'm getting extremely fed up with coughing all the time. I don't like the way it churns my stomach in the morning and leaves me dry-heaving. I don't like the way it makes the back of my throat feel on fire. I wish I could lie in bed all day, but I have too much to do. Now excuse me while I try to eat breakfast and hope it doesn't make me throw up.