Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
09.15.2005 * 9:31 p.m.
i'm sleeeeepy.
I spent a bit of time cleaning walls today at work. They weren't particularly dirty but I wiped them down to disinfect them and scrub off any gross spots. I think that's the first time I ever used a "Mister Clean" cleaning product. It smelled really nice.
Anyhow, cleaning walls is a relatively brainless act, so it gave me a solid half an hour to just let my mind wander. Mostly, I thought about the Spaniard. Silly me.
Last night I went to the movies and saw The Brothers Grimm. It was entertaining and fun but nothing too wonderful. One of the friends I was with is the type of guy who is good to flirt with or snuggle against during movies. I think we have crushes on each other. I know that if I wanted to let it happen we could totally make out. However, I don't really want that to happen because I don't forsee anything substantial developing between us and I don't participate in the whole non-committal makeout fad because, frankly, I am not a non-committal type of person. That is a fact. Oh, and I am also still very much in love with the Spaniard mentioned in the previous paragraph. Silly me.
Tonight I went to Enrichment and got to meet and talk with several girls from church. They seem awesome. One girl is in the program that I'm hoping to get into in Hayward. She likes it a lot so that is encouraging. Yeah, I want to be a teacher! I have to take a US Constitution test on Tuesday but I'm not studying right now. Silly me.
I have bad posture but a good outlook on life. I have a tendency to pick at facial blemishes even though I know it makes them worse. I have great self-esteem but abundant insecurities about my body hair. Those are random bits of information that probably mean nothing to you, but that's okay. They mean something to me. I'm not sure of what, exactly, but they must mean something. Silly me.