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Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
10.29.2004 * 11:39 p.m.
Apostle of the Lord.
the sleepiness weighing down my eyelids is going to limit this entry to a few brief sentences. there's so much feeling behind my fingertips that probably wouldn't come through in my writing if i tried to explain, so i won't. allow me to say:
10.27.2004 * 11:39 p.m.
i went to the thrift store.
i live an amazing life. i enjoy the luxury of laughing hard daily. not enough people are blessed to participate in that past-time and it's a down-right shame. and i like using hyphens. if i come to a word that may or may not be a compound word, i hyphenate it because hyphenated words never seem entirely wrong even if they clearly aren't right.
there was a total lunar eclipse tonight that i missed due to ridiculous santa barbara cloud cover and the fact that i was inside attending an institute class during the duration of said phenomenon. jamie went out and looked at it, she could barely see it through the clouds, but what she did see was red. all tanya had to say about it was "blood moon! blood moon!"
apparently something special happened with the world series tonight, but i've never been much of a baseball fan, except in the 8th grade when i would go to games to support my friends and then oh-so-fine boy. or maybe it was to see them wear those oh-so-fine baseball pants.
and i will stand by the fact that i wouldn't mind having David Duchovney's babies, and i look forward to seeing Brad Pitt at the resurrection with his perfected body, because the man is darn fine as it is and that will surely be a sight to see. and drool at. the rest is pretty blasphemous, so i'm going to say my prayers and go to bed.
(2 weeks until my birthday.)
10.26.2004 * 10:03 p.m.
i had chili today.
life is a rollercoaster ride and i'm just sitting tight watching the tiny people on the sidewalk blur as i go past. my personal rollercoaster is equipt with continuous ups and downs, several hairpin turns, and numerous upside-down loops. and that's only the track i've covered thus far. i'm sure there are even more unexpected oohs and ahhs in store for me in the future, but i'm taking each one as it comes:
down: it's hard to watch one of your dearest friends struggle through personal and family hardships. all i can do is say "i love you and i'm here for you" and hope that is somewhat comforting for her.
up: it's always good when i'm doing well in school, and i think i am right now.
upside-down loop: i can't figure out where i am headed. i'm pretty sure it will be clarified with time, though it's making me dizzy until then.
it rained a great deal today. i wore my pink galoshed this evening and they served me well. i intend to wear them all day tomorrow even if people think i look like a circus freak. i'm really not too offended by those sorts of comments. seriously, i was always fond of the circus.
one thing about rollercoasters... i love that tingly feeling that rises in my stomach from time to time. wouldn't be opposed to being reminded of how that feels. would not be opposed to that at all.