Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
12.02.2004 * 11:59 p.m.
"my father wove a tapestry of obscenities..."
I've spent some time today contemplating why it is that what I always thought of as an autopsy is called a necropsy in all of my current working environments. The two different words seem to mean the exact same thing, so what's going on?
In other news, I get to have the starring role as mass-murderer in my roommate's paper for her detective-fiction class. It should be interesting to see how I am portrayed in such a fashion. I'm really a nice person... I promise. I would never decapitate someone for not inviting me to a dinner party.
Currently, I'm suffering from an acute inability to maintain ocular alertness and think i'll prescribe a healthy dose of snoring on my pillow. we'll see how i'm doing come morning. ahh... morning... it will be the morning of the LAST day of Classes of MY LAST FALL QUARTER here at ucsb. that puts a little twinkle in my toes.
12.01.2004 * 9:49 p.m.
my eyes are apparently big and pretty. and i take nice notes. okayyy...
i wonder what strangers think of me based on my appearance. walking across a university campus, one can pass a huge mix of people. in those brief moments that we observe others we tend to form opinions regarding them. when people see me, do they ever guess correctly as to just who and what i am? i wonder what my appearance says about me to those who only know me as a face in the crowd.
there are so many strange styles and fashions out there, and there are so many people wandering around ucsb, that no matter how weird you think you might look there is Always someone who looks even weirder. i'm sure of it. that's why i can get away with wearing odd beanies or pink golashes.
(my dad suggested i take up the career of a prostitute so as to be self-employed and therefore avoid his fate of working for "the man" and hating my job. i could have lived my whole life rather happily without ever hearing that. and you guys wonder why i'm so weird and have all sorts of inappropriate phrases flying out of my mouth. it must be genetic.)
12.01.2004 * 12:52 a.m.
howl at the moon.
today ended just as every day should... with a living room full of friends watching a movie. tonight was extra wonderful because we watched the third Harry Potter, and all of our guests were male! that's right, just my roommates, me, and six fine boys hanging out for the evening. it doesn't get too much better than that.
Oh, and did I mention that I have an amazing roommate? because I do.
look at the time kids, i'm up past twelve on a school night. i'd better remedy this situation.