Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
01.10.2005 * 1:59 p.m.
"drink life as it comes, straight, no chaser"
splashing through puddles. wet clothes hanging every available place in the apartment. reading and laughter. kisses. cookies. a welcome visit from a dear friend. more cookies. canceled class. talking in the library. wanting to spend time with old friends. standing in the rain. smiling. the afternoon off of work because of complications due to the weather. rain-wet hair. reading emails from missionaries. communicating through away messages. translating spanish. dancing to loud music alone in my living room. knowing that tonight will be good.
yeah, that about sums it up.
01.08.2005 * 2:01 p.m.
for your viewing pleasure.
The beautiful new photo seen above, (that I like to call "Nostril Shot") was taken at the New Year's Eve festivities in which I participated. This picture gives all of you the much sought-after opportunity to look up the nostrils of two of my favorite people and myself. Please enjoy. Today being Saturday, I get to celebrate the completion of the first week of winter quarter. That's refreshing. Things started off a bit differently than expected, but the surprises have been extremely pleasant and I'm all smiles. You may point your finger, snicker and say "Cradle Robber!" when I walk past, but that's okay. He may be 3 years and 3 months younger than me, but he's taller than me, and that's all that really matters. (I'm well aware that that doesn't make sense, but just roll with it.) I'm not entirely sure of what I've gotten myself into this time, but I'm fairly certain that I'm going to like it...