Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
01.20.2005 * 10:28 p.m.
Happy Birthday Jory!!!
Hello! The past couple days have been amazing... the sun has been shining beautifully, the sky has been bright blue, my favorite Tongan in Utah got HIS MISSION CALL (yay!), and my favorite American from Spain makes me ridiculously happy just by spending time with me. Things are going well.
Oh, and get this... I went for a run today! Well, it's probably more correct to say that I went for a brief jog. It was enjoyable though I realized how ridiculously weak and out of shape I am. Though, with time and effort, I will be able to change that. But my legs may feel like jelly tomorrow, so that should be cool. :)
This evening I remembered that I like to walk near the ocean at night and listen to the crashing waves. I also discovered that looking up through palm trees at the moon and the stars is beautiful and soothing. And... even though I'm a strong believer in my independence and all around identity of me as my own person, I had fun when my finger was being pointed at my head while someone else said "This is my pretty girl!" Heck yes.
(Tomorrow I get to hear from Elder Bednar! Apostle of the Lord! Woohooo! -on the inside-)
01.18.2005 * 11:46 p.m.
Happy Birthday to my Jamie.
Today I had the privilege of modeling for Tara for a photography assignment. Now I can add "Veterinary Assistant" to my already existing modeling experiences of "Fancy Party Girl" and "Truck Stop Hussy." That makes one sweet repertoire if you ask me...
In other news, I wore flip-flops today for the first time in quite some time. I'm looking forward to when flip-flop season comes into full swing. I intend to make some purchases and expand my rather skanty flippy-floppy collection. Ah, sunny Santa Barbara. What a joy.
...I could happily listen to sweetly spoken Spanish for hours, even though I can't understand more than two words. It makes me feel special. I am terribly fond of feeling special...