Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
02.07.2005 * 10:39 p.m.
it's week 6 of the freaking quarter. oops.
Right now I'm behind in all of my reading for school. For some reason, that doesn't stop me from continuing to procrastinate. I had an excellent weekend with my mom, and for a Monday, today wasn't too terrible, so it's fair to say that life is going well. Yup (ignoring all of my responsibilities as a student) life is good.
02.05.2005 * 9:17 p.m.
mom snorted while laughing!
I'm one lucky hag-beast because my relationship with my mother is amazing. She's high up there on my list of wonderful friends, and I crack up so hard when we hang out. She is supportive of the most important aspects of my life, without entirely understanding or agreeing. She is loving, fun, and caring. We had good times this afternoon, looking forward to more of the same tomorrow.
I'm one lucky hag-beast because my relationships with my friends and roommates are more than I ever expected. I am blessed to be surrounded by people who love me, care for me, and stick with me even though I am occassionally, well, a hag-beast.
I am a hag-beast because I have a predisposition to be foul-mouthed, to gossip, to be lazy and unthoughtful, to be controlling, selfish, ridiculously pushy, obnoxious, and sometimes downright mean. I wouldn't use these words to describe myself on any given day, but they are my flaws that surface every now and then, and I recognize them as such.
Basically, I'm a really really ridiculously lucky hag-beast.
*i want to be so much more than this*