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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
03.02.2005 * 12:05 a.m.
Farmer's Markets always make me happy.
Somewhere along the line I adopted a little brother. His name is Chris. He's 15, plays basketball and can dunk, which I think is very impressive. He's a sophomore and a starting setter for the high school varsity volleyball team, which I also think is very impressive. He's also sweet, a good kid, and I'm terribly fond of him. He has text messaged me on two seperate occassions since he got his cellphone for Christmas, and I've called him back both times. Tonight I learned that a girl asked him to the Sadie Hawkin's Dance. It's the first high school dance his parents are letting him attend. He's the oldest kid in the house now, the older three brothers are all off on their own adventures. Who does he turn to for goofy advice of what to wear to Granada's Sadie Hawkin's Dance?!?! ME!!!! HECK YES! ME!!!! That is so absurdly refreshing and satisfying. yay!
I am grateful that a boy is so caring that he was willing to be self-sacrificial for my benefit. Only it wouldn't actually have been for my benefit, so I'm even more grateful that he was honest with me and we talked it all out. I did smack him violently in the head with a pillow for his rather wacked-out logic. But then I hugged him and kissed him and we both felt much better. Everything is good now. I'm happy all over.
(and did I mention that I've got really really good looking roommates.)
Today's trivial delights and accomplishments include (in nearly-chronological order):
-Being woken up by a phonecall from missionaries.
-Dressing all in black
-Buying a dress for my friend's WEDDING!
-Buying a basket of strawberries and eating them all up.
-Being told I'm beautiful (by two different boys, in two different languages.)
-Smiling at Nathaniel.
-Talking to The Little Brother I Never Had.
-(and to be added momentarily) Going to sleep happy.