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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
03.03.2005 * 10:32 p.m.
side note: my baking caused the apostasy.
Today? You want to know about today? I could tell you a pretty story or two. Or probably not.
While riding back from my 8am class I passed a fire hydrant that was spraying all over the bike path. The man fiddling with it didn't look terribly qualified. The sight made me think of 'UHF' and "He gets to drink from the fire hose!" Ahh... Kramer.
I thought of A Spaniard this morning when I walked in the kitchen and the floor still felt slightly sticky. (See, you leave all sorts of reminders everywhere! How am I supposed to concentrate?)
Work was good. I realize that when I'm alone in the office I talk to myself a little bit. Especially after I get off the phone with a particularly annoying client. Then I tend to mutter unfriendly things. I wonder why that is? I'm not a terribly angry person. Well, not usually! muahahaha!
Today, I helped someone break a personal record. That's the kind of thing that I'm glad to help out with. No, not just glad, ridiculously happy. I'm looking forward to helping break the new record...
03.02.2005 * 3:08 p.m.
oh the excitement...
On campus earlier I saw a brilliant yellow brand-spankin'-new Mustang. I was strangely drawn to it and wanted to make a hard right, jump my bike off the curb, cut off pedestrians in my way, and just touch it. Those new Mustangs are so hot. Hot like fire. Hot like Brad Pitt.
I just got several things done online that make me shout "Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" First, I fixed up my spring quarter (read: final quarter of undergrad) schedule so that I have NO CLASSES on Fridays! This will be the first time I've managed to have that luxury. Plus, none of my classes fulfill the general education writing requirement which means No Big Papers! This is going to be nice...
But even BIGGER news! You know what I did after the scheduling miracle?!? I declared my candidacy to graduate in June and I reserved my place in a commencement ceremony!!!! AHHHHH! Then I screamed, ran into the living room, jumped up and down while I told Jamie, then did a summersault and ran back down the hall to my bedroom. That's how this makes me feel. I feel.... giddy...? Terrified? Elated? Old? Delighted? Excited. That's the one I'm looking for, excited.
Now I'm going to assist in the preparation of dinner for some fine servants of the Lord.