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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
03.27.2005 * 3:08 p.m.
Black jellybeans are my favorite.
Growing up, Easter meant losing an egg hunt to my older brother and cousins. It was about gorging myself on jellybeans, cadbury eggs, and chocolate bunnies. It sometimes meant getting dressed up fancy and attending church with family friends or the grandparents, without knowing what was so special. It really didn't mean more than that.
Now, I get dressed up and go to church because Easter is important to me, because Christ is important to me now. Funny how some things change. However, I'm sure if we still had Easter egg hunts I would still lose to the boys. You see, not everything changes. I still eat jellybeans in a systematic way that involves equal numbers of each color. I still like the black ones the best. I still think Cadbury Eggs are one of the greatest candies of all time. I still think of tulips and sunshine and springtime when I think of Easter... and I wouldn't mind a little bit of that spring weather right about now.
I can't believe school starts again, already, tomorrow.
03.26.2005 * 3:54 p.m.
just 27 more hours until a bus brings my boy back to me.
I have chapped lips. I'm not sure why. They're starting to drive me batty though, that much is certain. Chapstick isn't cutting it. Glosses just evaporate and leave my lips more dry. I don't know what's going on. My latest attempt has been to shmear a little bit of Vaseline moisturizing cream with cocoa butter on mes levres and hope that does the trick. So far it seems to help, a little. Maybe I should just consume mass quantities of water and become so thoroughly hydrated that there will be no possible way for my lips to be dry. I could try that, but ever since I've heard of people dying from water poisoning I've developed a weird fear of overdosing on water. Not seriously. Okay, maybe a just little bit.
I'm going to go read for fun, because I can.