Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
04.01.2005 * 12:07 a.m.
i cleaned the refridgerator a little.
The first week of this quarter has been a success, despite the sickness and all of the nasal discomfort it caused. The highlights of my week include:
~Being successful in restraining myself from speaking French in my Spanish class.
~My linguistics teacher using the word "Gangsta" and carrying on about how he didn't grow up learning about things like gangstas and heavy metal.
~Taking a reproductive biology class (in which we are currently focusing on the testes and sperm production) with three other LDS girls. That just cracks me up.
I was shakey today, and I don't know why. At first I didn't really notice, though my legs did feel a little funny. Then, my coworkers saw it in my hands and arms. Weird. I've eaten well today, I've had plenty of water. What was that all about? Withdrawls from the cold medicine that had been coursing through my veins for the past three days? Is that even possible?
My dad is getting a new job, my mom is offering to give me some extra money for something that is extremely important to me. It appears that certain things are falling into place and the realization of that makes me a little bit dizzy with anticipation, excitement, and fear. Ah, that dirty little sneak, fear. I wish it would just leave me alone.
I need this one more than I ever expected. Didn't know I would end up feeling so strongly. I can't hold back a smile when our eyes meet.