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Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
04.01.2005 * 12:03 p.m.
I'm an April Fool.
What is with this apartment complex?! They turn the water off in the middle of the day without warning all the freaking time. I just wanted to wash black eyeliner smudges off of my fingertips, is that too much to ask? At least I didn't sleep in this morning and get stuck all sudsy in the shower, because then someone would have had to die.
Last night I had several strange dreams... One involved a big trip with friends in several vehicles caravaning to some indescribable location. At one point people were exploring tidepools when a gigantic wave came rushing the shore (tsunami anxiety?!?) and they started running back towards us. I saw Nathan get knocked down by the waves and was really worried. I was crying and trying to go to him, but my parents held me back.
Another dream was about a screenplay that was happening in reality. There was a ghost or a killer, some evil entity trying to harm me and the people I was with. Instead of going to the police for help, we enlisted the aid of the missionaries, and Elder Temuulen was definitely there. Casey J had a cameo in the "film" because it was apparently produced by her mom. I don't know, but she cut someone's hair, so it seemed to make sense. There were Scottish accents, a lot of running away, hiding behind things, and looking for this killer ghost. There was also a lot of kissing. hmmm... In the end, the killer turned out to be the main character's mom, which we deduced from the Chinese characters in the title of the screenplay's manuscript.
You all knew my mind was a twisted little labyrinth containing all sorts of information that doesn't make sense to anyone but me, but I just thought I'd reaffirm that thought by sharing these dreams. Today is the first in a long while that I've woken up remembering so much of my dreams. I love that feeling, I've missed it.