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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
04.03.2005 * 6:43 p.m.
Two wrong numbers and one hang up.
Sundays are interesting days. Church occupies most of the morning and early afternoon. Because nothing much else happens on Sundays, they're peaceful and restful. However, since nothing much else happens on Sundays, they leave me feeling tired. It's early still, but I feel like the only thing left for me to do today is sleep. The day has been good, it has been spent in the company of my favorite boy, but now I'm at home without any demands on my time... and that makes me miss him. Darn me and my pathetic-ness.
Too bad weekends always end and Monday always comes with its classes and its work schedule. Too bad I'm such a whiner.
04.02.2005 * 2:30 p.m.
3 words last night. 5 words today.
How sweet is General Conference weekend? Okay, so you probably don't care if you aren't LDS, but I think it's pretty awesome to be able to listen to apostles and prophets give council today. It's amazing.
Have you ever felt so deeply satisfied by a tidbit of knowledge that simply putting it into words makes you start to cry? Or am I just weird? Just thinking a certain sentence or two, saying the words aloud or writing them on blank page makes them into something powerful. It's not just an idea anymore, it's not just a feeling or a hope. Once I've thought it, once I've said it, it becomes real and the beauty of that brings tears to my eyes. I don't know how I'm going to make this work out exactly but I know that I am going to make it happen. I wrote it down. I made it real.
Thank goodness for the knowledge I have acquired these past few years. Thank goodness for the opportunities I've had. Four years of college are going to be under my belt soon. I can't wait to step out and take on something new. I can't wait for the next challenge I'm going to place upon myself. I can't wait to really make it real.