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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
04.23.2005 * 12:40 a.m.
When I washed off my eye makeup just now I kind of hoped that there would be a little bit of redness or puffiness on my right eyelid. Unfortunately, it looks perfectly fine. I guess I won't be able to tell an elaborate tale to the girls at work about the fist fight I didn't get into today. Shucks.
As pathetic as it is to admit this: my heart feels a little bit lonely every time he goes away.
04.22.2005 * 11:01 a.m.
Today is off to a good start.
I have recently happened upon the best way of doing homework. Ever. It consists of studying or doing homework in the regular fashion, maybe in my room, maybe at the library. The secret is to add the presence of my favorite man. Strangely enough, I get loads of work done while he's studying beside me and I have the added benefit of occassional kisses. I like college.
Last night I had some weird dreams. I was riding in the backseat of a strange car. It belonged to my L-town Heather and she was driving it but she was sitting in the passenger seat. See, it had some mechanical problems and had some work done so that the pedals were on the passenger side but the stearing wheel was still on the left. Very strange. We were driving around and it was raining (apparently prophetic of today's weather) and Curses Luke was there in the car. We were all dressed up very fancy-like but I was barefoot. We saw my friend Chris Weiss (but I teased him and called him Mark) and his girlfriend. They were a little inebriated and I really liked the martini glass he was holding. A big group of us, all fancy in our formal wear, ended up going to eat at Wendy's. I don't think Nathaniel was a big fan of that idea.
I don't know why I have such elaborate dreams all the time, or why I can remember them so frequently. I guess I'm just cool like that.
Even though my Casey was too sick to visit, and even though it's probably going to rain, I have the feeling that this is going to be a good weekend.