Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
05.04.2005 * 1:42 a.m.
four months is some kind of record.
May 3rd 2005 just went down in history as one fine day.
It started off a little bummy, so it had no where to go but up, and up it went. Studying with the Wall was enjoyable, my midterm went well. My adventures as a driving instructor continue to be fun. Spending too much money on strawberries and raspberries was worth every penny because they were so sweet and they turned my fingertips pink. Walking up a hill to see the random wicker furniture on the top was delightful. Serving in the church with an amazing young woman was refreshing, along with the burrito and horchata that I got to enjoy afterwards. Class was interesting, time with three amazing people was even more interesting. I can't believe we ran away from the institute in order to avoid obtaining a fifth wheel. That was hilarious. I can't believe Nathaniel beat me at Street Fighter... well, actually, I can. I like sitting next to him. I like words whispered in my ear. I like kisses and hugs and smiles and laughter. I like this guy an awful lot.
I'm also terribly fond of my roommate and her other half. They make a good looking team.
And heck yes, I talked to three of my Shallow boys online. And Jamie comes home tomorrow. These are all pleasant things. I'm a happy kid.
I liked today.