Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
05.08.2005 * 6:53 p.m.
There are two nicely dressed young men wreaking havoc in my kitchen right now. All because I am hungry and want to eat dinner and when I mentioned food my boyfriend looked at me beggingly with big starving puppy eyes. The bickering commenced with me explaining how wonderful I am, how I sacrifice loads of my time, energy, and food for his benefit quite frequently. But apparently I don't really make sacrifices for him all the time because of two occurrences in which I did not miss part of a class to drive him somewhere. (Let's take a minute to think about the thousands of dollars and almost four years I've put into my education... I feel better.) Okay, so he's right about that. He then said that he would make those sacrifices for me, to which I responded, "Okay then. Fix me dinner." Miracle of all miracles, he got up right away and made himself useful in my kitchen. I could have cried, it was so beautiful. Our good buddy from downstairs also happened to be over, so he is assisting in the manly kitchen endeavor because he wants to eat my food too. As long as nothing gets broken or burned down and nobody gets hurt, I'm okay with this. Roommates, you so wish you were here.
In other news, Happy Mother's Day! Happy two days before my half-birthday! Happy me looking forward to receiving a cd in the mail! Happy almost the beginning of week seven of the quarter.
Okay, I'm being beckoned. It's dinner time.
05.07.2005 * 10:21 a.m.
the worst song ever is stuck in my head.
Tomorrow is Mother's Day. Don't forget to tell your favorite mothers how much you love them. I already sent my mom a card and flowers, so I think I'm squared away.
I don't know if you people are aware of this, but to your left there are several links. One on the very top says "Guestbook." That's for those of you who aren't registered diaryland users to drop me a line. Hey, all you fools who read this, (I know you're out there!) I dare you to sign the guestbook instead of lurking in the dark. The link right next to that says "notes" and only d-landers can use it. There are less of you readers that fall into this category, so I won't get on your cases. Besides, you generally tell me in person that I'm good looking, so I really can't ask for anything more.
Yesterday, Liberty dressed up crazy for an 80s dance. She used hairspray and the smell reminded me of Halloween. Guess that tells you how frequently I use hair styling products.
Yesterday, Nathaniel and I were jumped on by Jay and Tanya. I'm terribly fond of my roommate and her manfriend.
Last night I remembered that my Grandpa always told me to wash my neck and behind my ears when washing my face before going to bed. That made me smile.