Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
06.02.2005 * 6:18 p.m.
walking the beach is my favorite escape.
Hello, and welcome to the day that I had my last classes of my undergraduate career. At 2:30, when I left my LAST CLASS AT UCSB... EVER, I let out a small squeal. I wanted to scream really really loudly, the kind of sound that you people expect from the likes of me. I wanted to let loose a scream that would truly demonstrate my elation in this particular situation, but I refrained. There were too many people around. It's not that I cared what they would think, I just didn't want to damage anyone's eardrums.
With the scream still trapped in my lungs, I pedaled over to the dorms to find my favorite boy. I was "shhhhh"ed by him... freaking quiet hours in the dorms and all of those studying freshman. (Wait a few years kids, you'll become jaded and study less too.) The scream eventually faded away and mixed with sand and waves on my toes. The elation melted into a quietly scared anticipation of the rest of my life.
But I swear, I'm calmer when his hand is in mine.
...If you look in today's edition of the Nexus you will see the listings of all the UCSB graduates of this year. I spent some time this morning highlighting the names of all the people I know. I am SO HAPPY for each of you. There are friends that graduated high school with me, friends from the first year in the dorms, friends from church, my current amazing roommate and past amazing roommates. Wow. So many incredible people. The '01-'02 Santa Rosa Scholar's Hall kids have absolutely amazed me with your scholastic achievements. I guess we lived on that hall for a reason. NERDS! all of us. Huge Nerds...
I picked up my last paycheck from the job that is no longer mine. I gave back the key and the pair of scrubs that are no longer mine. I spat out a cookie the bossman gave me when it passed my lips and I was overwhelmed by the deliciously-disgusting taste of coffee. Before heading home, I bought three peaches and a pluot from a farmer's market. Really, all I wanted was a bag of cherries.