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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
06.01.2005 * 10:14 p.m.
today has been productive.
I'm bruised and abused. My toe is a mosaic of black and blue. Well, it's more shades of purple than anything else. It's still tender and sore at times but it's progressed to the itchy healing phase and that gets annoying. Ah, bruises that itch. I know them well. I'm a mess.
I read linguistics for five hours today. Good things happen when I'm in the library. However, when I try to study at home I find ways to waste my time on the internet. Geee... I wonder what I'm doing right now? Oh well. The chalkboard in a studyroom in the library is adorned with nice sentences about me in Chinese. I feel special. And dang it! We have so much fun together and make an amazing team...
(Nathaniel got his driver's license yesterday... That means he is amazing. It also means that I am not a bad teacher. High-strung and slightly bossy- but effective. So, congrats to us both!)