Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
06.04.2005 * 10:17 a.m.
the beginning of the end.
Being a biology major and taking classes with Type-A pre-med students for the past four years, I'm accustomed to getting to tests early. I really don't mind waking up at six in the morning, tiptoeing around the apartment, showering while the water pressure is full force. I enjoy the quiet peace in Isla Vista that can only be found on weekend mornings when the majority of the students are still sleepy-eyed in their homes. The air is cool and still, the recyclers are digging through dumpsters and alarmclocks are nagging people to get out of bed. I'm there, biking past it all, soaking it all in with my morning-person alertness and genuine happiness at being awake and alive.
Today was the first time I set foot in Campbell hall in over a year. I guess I never took advantage of all of the shows and whatnot that the school has put on in these past four years. Eh. I don't mind much. But I'd forgotten the feel of the seats there and the dimness of the lighting that is perfectly designed to encourage nap time. I had brief flashbacks to Psych1 and Intro Bio. Mostly, I just sat there and spaced out. Eight o'clock came around, I scribbled in Spanish for an hour and twenty minutes, and then I was done. From the moment I left my seat, while I was walking out of that huge lecture hall, while I was riding my bike home, while I was climbing the stairs to my apartment, these words kept bouncing around inside my head: "One down, two to go. T-minus seven days until graduation." Yeah.
And with that, I guess I'll start studying again.
(Happy Birthday to my Mommie.)