Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
06.07.2005 * 10:59 p.m.
I didn't scream or jump up and down or anything when I walked out of my final. I called a couple of people, but I was strangely mellow. And then it was finished. College is Done. Over. WEEEEIIIRRRDDDDD.
Tonight I sang karaoke and talked with old friends and hugged a few goodbye. Who knows when I'll see them again. That's sad. It really is. But life is so pleasant right now that I have to admit... I'm wildly happy. Wildly.
06.07.2005 * 11:11 a.m.
So close.
The past few days have been good to me. A couple of important, nagging issues have been pleasantly resolved so there's a little bit less stress on my plate. That's nice because frankly, stress gives me indigestion. The highlight of Sunday was petting horses and playing fetch with a golden retriever named Daisy. I go places to hang out with friends but I always end up spending my time on the floor with their pets. That's just the way I am.
Yesterday morning I went on to campus to take care of a few pre-graduation requirements. Now there is a black graduation gown (size 5'5"-5'6") hanging in my closet with the hopes that the creases will de-crease in the next few days. I had forgotten how ridiculous graduation caps are. They are one of the stupidest looking articles of clothing ever thought up by man. "Hey hey! I'm a distinguished graduate, but you probably don't believe me because I look just like the clown you rented for your daughter's fifth birthday party!" No, actually, I do not make balloon animals.
One other item that I was supposed to pick up yesterday was a copy of the school newspaper, the Nexus. My mom got swindled into running a little ad for me. Well, I kind of looked on campus yesterday, but I didn't see any papers, so I forgot about it. Besides, they never print during finals week. I figured my mom got the dates confused and that was that. This morning my buddy Kyle came up to me and said, "I saw you in the paper yesterday. You look all cute in a bonnet." WHAT?!!? Apparently the paper did run these ads yesterday. I asked my favorite boy if he could look for me one more time before heading over to meet me today. He looked and found no papers. Bless his heart, he looked in the trash for me. If that isn't love, I don't know what is. I'll admit it... I fell for him even more when he told me that he checked the garbage. I guess that says a little about my idea of romance. Now you all know how to woo me the next time you have the urge. Anyhow, Kyle came through and called to inform me that he found the paper and got me two. Where he magically discovered them, I may never know but I'm terribly grateful.
What am I doing here, I have A (one. single. last.) final to study for people...