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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
06.20.2005 * 4:51 p.m.
I found optimism on the bluffs today.
Hooray! It took me a year, but I finally finished reading it! Again. I think when I start up again I'm going to read it in French, courtesy of the Tuutau.
I really like my new hairstyle. It looks pretty good but what's even better is that I can drive with my windows down, have my hair blown around wildly, and end up with no tangles. Yes! Tangle-free hair again! This is the life! Plus, the wind-blown, slightly messy look really works for me with shorter hair. Convienent.
Speaking of windows down while driving... it really saddens me to look around at other cars and see how many people are closed inside their vehicles with the windows up on such a beautiful day. We live at the beach people! Artificial air conditioning cannot compete with a cool ocean breeze. I feel sorry for those folks who prefer to sit in their little automobiles breathing their recycled air. (That's right; I said "recycled air." Why don't you sing me a song about it?)
When I'm outdoors enjoying nature by myself, I never feel alone. The solitude is a welcomed escape from other members of my species. Today I walked for a long time along the bluffs near Elwood. The sky was so clear, the mountains towered to my one side, the ocean thrashed on the other. I was surrounded by beauty and couldn't help but recognize the power of God in it all. Plus, there were little critters bounding all around. You should know by now that if there are animals to be found, you've got a happy Sarah.
My feet were covered in a fine layer of dirt by the time my adventures were over. I parked my car on a street right next to running sprinklers so I took the opportunity to wash my dirty feet and flip-flops. It was funny because two guys were also making use of the sprinklers to cool off. We smiled at each other with an understanding that yes, summer is here.
(Happy travels tomorrow. I'll be thinking of you.)