Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
06.22.2005 * 1:06 a.m.
I ate ice cream over you today.
My adventures today took me to Goleta Beach. The tide prevented me from my planned walk but I did get to talk to a sea lion who was lying in the sand. That was nice. Then I played a bit, stomping the sand along the edge of the slough into the water. Someone I know finds that extremely entertaining, so I tried it for a while and laughed aloud because it was so much fun. The simple joys in life make all the difference.
Later, at the farmer's market downtown, an extremely juicy nectarine tried to drown me. I choked and coughed for a long time, but lived through it all. I then went for a walk on the beach with a friend. We had a couple of adventures, the most important one being this: I saw a man in the distance running towards us and I said, "Jay, is that man wearing any clothes?"
"No... I don't think he is." Was his response.
"Okay, I didn't think so. Just please stay on that side of me. I'm keeping my eyes down."
The naked jogger passed by and Jay's next comment was, "He shaves."
Charming. Wow. We were in Santa Barbara proper. The beach was kind of secluded, but not extremely. Who gets down to the beach, removes his shorts, and then goes for a run?!?! Apparently this guy. It was funny, that's for sure.
Tonight, I screamed in my car out of frustration because the parking around here is so heinous. It's really annoying. Parallel parking at night with limited lighting is not the easiest endeavor, so I gave up and parked at institute. I've walked through IV in my pajamas so many times now that it didn't bother me to do it yet again. Oh well.
(I'm wearing a special hat while I type this. It makes me feel closer to my favorite person who is now an ocean away.)