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Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
06.23.2005 * 2:05 p.m.
the tops of my feet are tan, and that's all.
I've been sitting around my house waiting for a girl that was supposed to be here three hours ago. That's annoying. Not that I have anything else that I need to do, but I did have plans that involved a long walk on the beach, and if I don't go grocery shopping soon I'll have to start eating my furniture. What have I done so far today? I've cleaned a toilet and read a bunch. sigh. I would like to be outdoors sometime in the near future. I'm hoping she shows up soon, but in the mean time I'll just continue to be the best time-waster I know.
I have a little bit of a confession that I'm slightly embarrassed about. Allow me to preface this by saying I've never been a fan of boy bands. When I was a little girl and New Kids on the Block were all the rage, I was oblivious. As a young teen I was too busy trying to be cool by listening to rock music to be swept up in the "boy bands are dreamy" movement. But let's face it, sometimes cheesy music is necessary. All this to say, I'm fond of the Backstreet Boys' newest single, Incomplete. I've heard it on the radio a time or two and I like it. eeew. I like a cheesy boy band love ballad. I feel so ashamed.
Ian told me I look nice today. I think it's because I'm wearing a girly blue button-up shirt. I've noticed that boys seem to like this shirt. Okay, maybe not boys in general. Maybe just one.
Woot! She has come and I gave her a key. That means I'm out of here.
06.22.2005 * 11:22 p.m.
if you're woaded, you're pretty blue.
Is it odd that I love the way the sun comes through my window and wakes me up between seven and eight every morning? That's probably my favorite part about summer in this town. I like waking up and getting a head start on enjoying my day.
I drove Brittney's car from campus to institute. I know how to drive a manual, but I really need more practice. I'll just leave it at that.
Today was nicely filled with the company of good friends. I've been happy.
I wore Zazou perfume, which induces flashbacks involving my Casey. It makes me smell nice too, so that's good.
I also wore a red shirt with a bull on it because it seemed like the right thing to do.