Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
06.30.2005 * 12:27 a.m.
Up the stairs from the beach.
First off, I think I should avoid watching romantic comedies for the time being. Funny movies that end up with a happy couple are entertaining but frustrating. Second, Danica makes fantastic monkey sounds while being tickled. Third, it's a foggy night and walking through the dense mist to the beach was refreshing. When Jason went into the ocean it looked like a scene from a horror movie, but luckily we all avoided being eaten or stabbed.
The wet fog usually permeates my clothes with a coldness that leaves me chilled to the core. Tonight was strangely comfortable, I stayed warm and dry.
06.29.2005 * 1:57 p.m.
Happiness permeates my darkness.
I should have found myself a summer job in this town. I still could, but my pride will not allow me to flip hamburgers. It's not a matter of money so much as it is a matter of boredom. And really, I'd rather be bored on my couch and forced into reading a book, walking the beach, calling up friends, than bored in a room full of people doing some menial task that I despise in an effort to make the time pass more quickly. Time will start flying again soon enough. Hopefully.
And then my heart picks up the pace with a sudden flutter of joy. Typed words that I had been anticipating and expecting appeared before my eyes and to my amazement, I was surprised. They said exactly what I knew they would, but the reality hit me in that unique way that comes when the moment actually occurs. Simply being the person with whom he excitedly shares his news is enough for me to feel complete. What a good man. Is it any wonder I love him?