Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
07.02.2005 * 1:41 p.m.
How are you?
Remember our favorite Tongan who is now serving as a missionary in Indonesia? Check out some of his pictures Here!
I fell asleep last night with strange happy tears in my eyes and the feeling that I was being held closely.
I woke up and went on a hike with Joanie, Jesse and Billy. (Weird. All their names end in the "eee" sound. Too bad my name isnt's Saraheee. Actually, I'm glad it isn't... that's a pretty dumb sounding name.) My feet feel sore because they're accustomed to flip-flops and they don't know what to do when they're in my real shoes. The hike was good, I know someone who would have enjoyed being there. The trail followed a creek up to a little waterfall at the top. Lovely, shaded, and green. I caught a couple of tadpoles for Joanie.
I like getting exercise outdoors.
I feel good.
07.02.2005 * 12:19 a.m.
three weeks have passed.
If you had a camera in my apartment today you might have seen me standing on a kitchen chair in my shower, wearing rubber gloves and my chem lab goggles as I cleaned the mold off the bathroom ceiling. My arms and neck got tired but no bleach dripped into my eyes, so that's cool. You might have seen me mending a hole in the bum of my brand new nice feminine-looking jeans. Dag. You might have seen me cutting wads of long girl hair out of the vacuum cleaner's brush in between vacuuming rooms. Yes, I got stuff done around here and it makes me feel good.
Tonight a group of friends went to see War of the Worlds. I liked it. Biology, my friends... it all comes back down to biology.
What is truly important is that I know where Nathaniel is right now. The strangest mix of happiness, peace, and pride is beating through my heart just knowing. In case you people were not aware, that young man is amazing.