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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
07.17.2005 * 5:22 p.m.
Another adjustment.
Going to church in a new ward is going to be awkward for a while. This ward is bigger than my beloved El Camino. Lots of members means I have excellent odds of meeting cool people and making some friends, so that's good. It also means that I have a better chance of going unnoticed, which is probably bad.
Church doesn't start until 1pm here. I don't like that very much. But at least it's good old church, same as everywhere. Feels familiar, feels like home.
07.15.2005 * 11:01 pm
Week five: survived. (that totally rhymed!)
This morning I backed out of going to San Francisco with a friend in order to be responsible and apply for jobs. Good thing I did. Three veterinary offices in L-town are hiring. Excellent. I dropped my resume off at each of the three. Then I went to Target to check out bookshelves and was sorely disappointed by their high prices. Dag. Then, vet office number one called me. They just so happen to be the office where my family takes our pets and we just so happen to have an appointment for my doggy for Monday morning. Now I'm going to have an interview following Gypsy's checkup, so that's pretty sweet. And freakishly rapid; I didn't expect to hear from anyone until next week. We'll see how this goes. I've got five pairs of scrubs and no reason to wear them, so this job would be good for me. Not to mention the whole earning money part.
This evening I ended up going to an A's baseball game with Jenna. That turned out to be a whole lot of fun. We had sweet seats, food, laughs, and flashbacks. She and I have been going to baseball games together since the 8th grade. Granted, back then we went to Granada Little League games in order to check out our friends in their tight pants. This was a bit different. I'm not a huge baseball fan, I don't really care about any team in particular, so I will say: The game was excellent. Sorry if that offends any of my Giants' fan friends. :)
Baseball-schmaseball. The important thing is that I am going to be a-okay.