Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
07.19.2005 * 1:35 a.m.
One long, wacky day.
Life began this morning with a visit to the vet's office. Gypsy got her check up and her vaccines, I got a brief interview, a quick tour of the place and was told that they would call me later during the week. We got home and before too long the phone rang. Said vet's office was calling to offer me the job. Apparently "Later this week" means "approximately twenty minutes after you leave our office." They asked how soon I could start, I said next week. (I have a Santa Barbara to return to, furniture to move and a temple open house to attend.) I think they wanted me to say "TOMORROW!!" and jump up and down with excitement. Sorry, no can do. This was all bizarrely rapid. These people must be desperate. Anyhow, they're offering me plenty of hours -maybe too many- and better pay than I used to get, so I accepted. Yay!
After donating more clothing to Goodwill and having lunch with my Ma, I headed south on the 101, happy to have secured a job. The drive was pleasant, the weather was nice, and I made excellent time. I had a lovely time at my last FHE in SB EVER (wah!) and then a group of friends went to the movies and saw Fantastic Four, which I enjoyed very much. However, before the movie began I got a phonecall from my mother. Yay for more drama. See, I dropped off resumes at three vet offices. Interviewed and got accepted by vet #1. Apparently Vet #2 (who was out of town for the weekend and thus moves at the speed of a normal human being when it comes to calling job applicants) telephoned my house this evening. My mom informed him that I had taken another job, but he asked that she have me call him anyway. Mmmm-K. I'll do that in the morning. But what?! Seriously. WHAT?!?! I'll see what he offers me and if it's better sounding than Vet #1, I guess I'll consider Vet #2 instead. It's like a cheesey game show. "Behind Door #1: A lovely vacation for two. And behind Door #2: A secret surprise!!!" Gag me. I'm really not that desirable. If I were I think I'd have them mud wrestle to see who gets to hire me. That'd be hilarious. Whatever. This will all work out eventually with time... or with a phonecall tomorrow.
After the movie I took Jesse back to his dead-on-the-side-of-the-road car with his spare battery in hand. After piddling around he discovered it indeed was not the battery but rather a loose wire that made the engine stop running. Simple enough to fix, he reattached the wire and we took off. As I followed him home on the highway I noticed something fly off of the back of his car and go bounding toward the side of the road. Excellent. We went back, wandered along the exit ramp where it bounced and picked up the last segment of his exhaust pipe. Yeah, he might need that. Poor sweet Jesse. I love that kid and his car.
So here I am, still awake at 1:30 in the morning, legs sore and crampy from all of the driving, and a little bit concerned about all this job weirdness.
One awesome sidenote: The simple thought of him made me smile big beaming smiles on numerous occasions today...