Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
07.28.2005 * 8:24 p.m.
I felt at home last night after I put my friends' black and white photos up on my wall. Yes, Truck Stop Hussy is on display, and that's all I really need. Okay, so that's not all I need, but it is a nice touch.
Sidenote: I am currently eating the most disgusting tasting red raspberries I have ever experienced. Eew. Don't know why I don't just stop.
My first day of work went well. I mostly just shadowed one of the technicians around, learned this office's ways and helped out. The thermometers work much faster than the ones I'm used to, which is exciting since I take animal's temperatures rectally and time is of the essence. Otherwise, it's a vet's office, not unlike the one I worked at before. I think it's a good place and I'll be happy there, which is excellent. I hope all of the other variables continue to fall in place so pleasantly.
Sidenote #2: I keep getting the lyrics from an old Madonna song in my head. "I keep a picture of you next to my bed at night, so when I wake up scared I know I'll find you there watching over me. When my world seems to crumble all around, and foolish people try to bring me down, I just think of your smiling face and I'm flying. I will always have you inside of me. Even though you're gone love still carries on. Love, inside of me." I have absolutely no idea why this song decided to pop up from my memory. Nope. No idea at all.
Be good, children. And remember, no matter how far I may be, I will always love you and be thinking of you. Speaking of which, Tanya, did you eat dinner today?!? hahaha! (The camp director strikes again.)
07.27.2005 * 5:56 p.m.
A new start.
I guess this is it. I guess this is real now.
I don't know what is going to happen as my life unfolds, and that terrifies me. Someone I respect and trust very much reassured me that everything has a purpose and I am probably going to learn a lot from this experience. Those words calm me down.
Now I just have to remember them.