Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
08.08.2005 * 12:42 p.m.
I wish I wasn't such a chicken at church. I do try to meet people, but I wish they'd put forth a little effort to make me feel like I should keep trying.
Jesse is heading up to Washington and making stops at friends' houses along the way. When he got here in the evening we fixed him a hamburger, sat around and talked, and then went to sleep.
I really wish I could sleep through the night, just once! My lungs hurt, so I didn't fall asleep right away. My cat puked and woke me up, twice! An itch (that I think is ringworm- freaking working with animals) woke me up. My dad slammed the front door at 6am which woke me up, as it does every day. And just like every day, I spend the hour from 6 to 7 having brief, high-anxiety dreams that never actually lead to sleep but rather cause me to wake up every five to ten minutes feeling too worried or tense to actually rest. And then I have to get up for the morning.
Definitely a Monday. A sad emergency at work first thing. Then a cat that bit a coworker. Short-staffed and busy, but everything is going okay. My lunch break is almost over and I don't really want to go back. The afternoons seem slower and when we're slow I feel useless. Hopefully I'll be kept busy and the time will pass quickly.
(You're on my mind.)
08.07.2005 * 12:19 p.m.
One international phone call.
It was so good to talk to him, so wonderful to hear his voice.
I had almost forgotten the quick pace of his speech, the sometimes hard to understand mumbled words, the way I can hear him smile while he talks. He is so good at picking on me, at making me laugh, and at making me feel.
And right now, well, right now I feel all right.