Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
08.27.2005 * 11:57 p.m.
Heaven bless the US Postal Service.
This weekend has been interesting so far.
Last night I went mini golfing with a friend. Afterwards we played arcade games, ate In-N-Out food, and watched Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events -or whatever it's called. The movie was good, I really like the cinematography and the costumes.
Today I went to work, wasted time at home, checked the mail several times in eager anticipation and was greatly awarded by the presence of a letter with my name on it when the mailman finally came. Happy Happy Joy Joy!
Then I went to San Francisco with two goofy boys. We wandered Embarcadero a bit, sprinted through Pier 39 and eventually ended up at the corner of Embarcadero and Market streets for a Peter Brienholt concert. I would describe his music as a kind of folky, happy, acoustic goodness. I wasn't terribly familiar with it before, but I had a great time. And I had the unexpected delight of seeing two friends from Santa Barbara at the concert. I jumped on them, as to be expected. What a treat!
Back in Livermore, while watching an episode of the X-Files I flung myself off of the super comfy Love Sack on which I was situated and on to the floor in a fit of "I don't want to see the alien corpse" madness. Those aliens always creep me out. After today I think it's safe to say that these two goofy guys I've been hanging out with have seen a little bit of the wacky me that I try to keep in check when I first meet people. The good news is that they're still interested in being my friends. Excellent.
Sidenote: Young men who open car doors for us young ladies are amazing. They're like chivalrous knights in story books and it's wonderfully unexpected. Though I feel mildly awkward standing there doing nothing while my door is opened for me, I think it's a beautiful gesture and find the whole thing rather flattering.