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Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
08.26.2005 * 6:20 p.m.
11. already?
Today was a long busy day at work. By the end of the day four different co-workers had commented on my cheerfulness and energy after such a day, or how I always manage to keep an even temperment. Excellent. Those are the things I like to hear. Makes a girl happy.
I'm hungry, and though I'm not actually tired I just want to take a nap.
(lo quiero)
08.25.2005 * 11:39 p.m.
eight cow wife
This is my 750th entry. I feel like I should throw a party or something. Maybe I'll dance a quick jig. On the table.
One of the greatest qualities of temples is that they are each different but all the same. I participated in baptisms for the dead (If you think I'm insane, that's cool- ask me about it sometime, I'd love to explain.) at the Oakland Temple this evening. That was the first time I've been inside there. It didn't feel quite right because it wasn't LA like I'm used to, but it was wonderful all the same. I still am having a hard time believing that we watched Johnny Lingo while waiting for everyone to finish up. Johnny friggin Lingo in the temple?!?!? It just doesn't make sense.
We got into a discussion of "what ifs." What if people bartered for wives like that? What if we auctioned ourselves off to the highest bidders? Women would walk around bragging to one another, "I'm a three cow wife." "Oh, well my husband paid four cows for me." Just another area for women to compete, as if we don't do that enough already. And then it occured to us... that bragging does happen all the time. (Thankfully not with cows.) Any of you been in a jewelry store? Any of you seen an engagement ring? Some people seem to believe there is a direct correlation between one's worth and the size of the diamond on one's hand. Those people need help.
I love the temple.
And I love the Oreo pie at Baker's Square.