Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
08.31.2005 * 12:51 p.m.
read faster, little kid.
Yesterday morning I awoke to find my car magnificently covered in toilet paper. It was beautifully done, wrapped completely with skilled precision. I was delighted. Seeing as how I only have a handful of friends in this town I had a pretty excellent idea of who did it, and I was correct. My friends love me, we just show our love in unique ways.
Yesterday was my first day of my now weekly adventures in volunteering at Smith Elementary school. I'm stoked. I had a great time and like both teachers with whom I'll be working. (Check out that grammatical move.) I especially adore the science teacher, as to be expected. Being there yesterday reminded me that I do enjoy working with kids which served as a comforting confirmation that maybe I am choosing the correct path for my future. Thank goodness.
Oh crap. I've got to get back to work. Lunch never lasts long enough.
08.29.2005 * 11:16 p.m.
Lethal Weapon. ha!
An unexpected knock on the door revealed a visitor stopping by to say hello and goodbye again. The pip-squeak I used to push into bushes on the walks to middle school is all grown up. The hyper-active boy who couldn't hold still has learned to discipline himself and stand at attention. The once upon a time drug user has cleaned up his act to serve something larger than his own desires.
Aaron is a Marine.
He looks good, he is strong and happy. Happy is what matters most.
I am so thankful that he found what he needed to put that happiness into his life, that he is doing something with what he has been given, that he is not letting this life pass him by.