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Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
10.18.2005 * 5:26 p.m.
no title is worthy.
Life is good.
Yesterday, one of the three veterinarians for whom I work stood beside me, placed a caring hand on my shoulder and said, "You're so easy to work with. I'm really glad to have you here." Oddly, I get that response from several of my coworkers. It is good to know that despite my high-strung, bossy tendencies I am easy going and easy to get along with in the work place. Fantastic.
Each Tuesday I walk to and from the elementary school in my neighborhood. The shortest path between two points (barring any bending of dimensions) is a straight line, so I cut through a park. This park has wet grass in the mornings which isn't usually a big deal but makes quite a difference when wearing flip-flops, as was the case today. My feet were slipping and sliding all over the place and I wasted a significant amount of time walking rather dainty-like in order to keep my right flip-flop on my foot. I would have gotten to the school faster if I had just taken the longer way and stuck to the sidewalks. Oh well.
Science class was rather monotonous, a lot of paper cutting and folding and stapling. In the third grade class I had the fun adventure of helping the kids take measurements of the pumpkins they had picked from the pumpkin patch earlier in the day. My goodness, some of those kids are cute.
When I arrived home I was joyful to see the mail. I just love love love getting mail and today's was super fantastic. Sadly, it was not a letter from The Spaniard in Texas. It was, however, the one and only piece of mail that is better than a letter from Texas. I got my DIPLOMA! (Finally.) Now I feel official, a real college graduate. It has my full name and the words "Bachelor of Science" and "Biological Sciences" and "Honors" and I feel validated. It's even "signed" by the Govenator.
Ridiculous, how one piece of paper can have that much of an effect on a person.
(At lunch in the teacher's lounge a woman was talking about cutting her son's hair and how she clipped it a little toooo close one time. That made me smile. I miss everything about having him in my life every day.)