Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
11.02.2005 * 9:36 p.m.
8 days until the b-day
To my east there are hills lined with windmills that spin like crazy on windy days like today. To the north there is a mountain named Diablo. It's presence gives me a strange sense of security that I cannot begin to explain. Also, the sight of it always makes me think of Nathan. Last night I was dangerously close to his grandparents' house and even closer still to Mount Diablo. I went to a very nice home with a very nice group of people and learned how to make some very nice chocolate chip cookies. The private road which took me there was lined with expensive houses and the drive reminded me of many similar drives in Santa Barbara. (I do miss my life in that place...) Anyhow, it was a good evening. I felt befriended yet on the outskirts at the same time. I'm getting a little bit tired of that feeling.
Tonight I hung out with Amanda and did not have the abov-mentioned bizarro friendless feeling, thank goodness. I really love that girl. I can't believe we've known each other for twelve years and we're still friends. Most people probably don't want to keep in touch with me for that long, but sorry folks, if I like you enough I will hunt you down and keep you in my life. Consider yourselves warned.
I was driving home from her house at 8:45 thinking, "Man, I'm tired. I'm so ready to just go to bed." Right then, a pair of missionaries rode past me on the bikes and I realized what a huge loser I am. They work so much harder than me all day and don't even go home until 9 or 9:30 each night and here I was, heading home and thinking about bedtime. But what can I say? I love my sleep! Just ask any of my old roommates and they'll tell you that I will eagerly put on my pajamas at 5pm if I don't have any plans for the evening. I'm just special like that. Special... pathetic... call it what you like.
I need to go try one of these "airborne" things my mom got. I think I'm getting a cold and I really really really do not want to get sick. Really. Oh man, I need to go to sleep.