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Guestbook * Notes

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The Past Five:

No more monkeys jumping on the bed...

is this goodbye? only sort of.

isolated T-Storms


AND I baked cookies this week!

my profile.

10.31.2005 * 8:57 p.m.
Happy Halloweeeeeen!

I am a perpetual counter. I count weeks, I count breaths, steps, hours, pages, seconds and miles. I am not really sure why I do it, but it's one of the several eccentricities that make me the wonderful creature that you all adore. And face it, you do all adore me.

Moving right along...
I don't know how I overlooked it the first time I flipped through the mail but I somehow managed to miss the bright pink envelope with my name scribbled on it. First off, heck yes I got a letter from Texas! Secondly, heck yes it was in a bright pink envelope that he just happened to find! Missionaries evidently have strange things in their apartments. Stationary aside, the letter was fantastic and I am delighted to hear that my favorite young man is doing extremely well. That made my already wonderful Monday into a super duper fantastical Monday. I'm happy.

In other news, I love my family. I love my family a lot.

Oh, and I ate too much candy today. I think I can actually feel my teeth rotting.