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Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
11.22.2005 * 5:23 p.m.
Today is going so well that I feel giddy inside.
My time at Smith school was fun, I love those crazy elementary school kids. We didn't do anything particularly exciting but I enjoyed myself and felt helpful. Those are both good things.
One of my favorite Tuesday rituals is calling Tanya while I'm walking home from school. She and I are amazing, just in case you wondered. One day we're going to be fantastic teachers and all of you will want your children to be in our classrooms. During the course of our conversation today she shared her desire for In-N-Out with me and now I know what I'm having for dinner. Heck yes, In-N-Out cravings are contagious.
I love my mail carrier so very much right now. Yesterday he brought me my acceptance to CSUEB. Today he brought me the Ensign, my beloved Church magazine. AND he brought me a letter from the Spaniard, my favorite missionary. Heck yes! It was fairly lengthy, full of exciting updates and fun Chaney-ness. Goodness, I really do love that boy.
I'm a happy kid right now.
My friend just told me how she observed boy #1 staring at me in an envious kind of way while I was talking and laughing with boy #2. That's hilariously fantastic. I guess I still have my man-slaying skills and that cracks me up.