Check out my dad's photography:
Cheshire Cat Photo
Guestbook * Notes
The Past Five:
No more monkeys jumping on the bed...
is this goodbye? only sort of.
AND I baked cookies this week!
11.21.2005 * 10:13 p.m.
kitty is snoring.
Do you know what I love more than Oreo cookies and milk? More than a solid night's sleep? More than warm sunshine and sandy beaches? Receiving Mail!!!
Today, my beloved postman (postperson? I'm not sure how to be politically correct on this one. Oh! I know! Mail Carrier!) delivered a manila envelope. I got into to CSUEB's teaching program, yay! I get to be a student again come January third, yay! That means that I'll have to pay lots of money and get poor fast, booo! I'll also have to quit my current job and get one where I'll only work Friday nights and Saturdays therefore eliminating any chance of a social life, booo! But approximately one year from now I will be able to be a real elementary school teacher, yay! I'm delighted.
We played the game Mad Gab tonight at family home evening. One guy cracked me up with his creative hearing abilities. When the correct answer was "Sugarless gum" he thought it was "The girl is scum." And even better, when the correct phrase was "A bowl of sugar" he shouted out "A Polish hooker!" Truly fantastic.
I think I'm feeling at peace here. I think this really is where I am supposed to be for the time being. I think that is a good thing.